UAE Team
UAE Team
July 15, 2024

Version 1.36.35


  • Compatibility with latest WordPress version 6.6.
  • Compatibility with latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.23 version.
  • Hardened the security of plugin.
  • Table of Contents – Refined jQuery selector for enhanced element targeting.


  • Display Conditions – PHP warning for ACF field when trying to access array offset on false.
  • Info Box – An undefined array key warning occurs for overall alignment setting.
  • Resize JS, throwing console error.

 UAE Team
UAE Team
June 17, 2024

Version 1.36.34


  • Improved code enforcement of widgets in edit mode.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
June 4, 2024

Version 1.36.33


  • Compatibility with latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.22 version.
  • Improved code enforcement of widgets in edit mode.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
May 31, 2024

Version 1.36.32


  • Addressed a security bug.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
April 17, 2024

Version 1.36.31


  • Compatibility with latest WordPress version 6.5
  • Compatibility with latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.21 version.
  • FAQ Schema – Added unique IDs to faq items to prevent duplicates.
  • Updated the Twitter icons within widgets.
  • Table: Improved Security.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
March 11, 2024

Version 1.36.30


  • Compatibility with latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.20 version.
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.3
  • Business Reviews – Added a Sort by filter, allowing users to view the latest and most relevant reviews.
  • Display Conditions – Added support for Grid and Container.
  • Image Gallery – Added thumbnail and overlay border radius options.
  • Particle Backgrounds – Added support for Grid and Container.
  • Party Propz – Added support for Grid and Container.
  • Added fill colour to buttons with icons for proper colour reflection.


  • Navigation Menu – Multistep submenu fails to display when a border radius is applied to dropdown.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
January 29, 2024

Version 1.36.29


  • Compatibility with latest Elementor and Elementor Pro 3.19 version.


  • Gravity Forms Styler – Button style and typography controls not working.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
December 27, 2023

Version 1.36.28


  • Gravity Forms Styler – Button style controls not working.
  • Video – Fatal error due to undefined datetime function.
 UAE Team
UAE Team
December 20, 2023

Version 1.36.27


  • Video – Added missing timezone to ‘uploadDate’ datetime property.
  • Twitter Feed – Updated the Logo.


  • Woo – Checkout – Clicking “Next” scrolls the page to the bottom for Multistep layout.
  • Cross Site Copy Paste not working on cross domains.