15 WooCommerce Shop Examples: Learn From the Best

WordPress has made it easier than ever for aspiring entrepreneurs to launch an online store. All you have to do is integrate your site with the WooCommerce plugin, make some tweaks, and voila – you’re good to go!

Plus, even if you aren’t tech-savvy, you can find a ton of online tutorials to guide you through each step.

The real challenge is to make your business more presentable and set yourself apart from your competitors.

So if you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of some amazing WooCommerce shop examples to learn from.

And if you’re a total beginner, then we’ll also provide a brief overview of WooCommerce, along with some key factors to make your WooCommerce store successful.

Let’s get right into it!

What Is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin designed to add eCommerce functionalities to your website.

It is widely used by small to large scale businesses due to the customizability, and ease of use it offers.

In addition, you can also integrate third-party plugins to your WooCommerce site to easily get your desired functionality.

What Makes a WooCommerce Store Successful?

Those who just copy-paste their WooCommerce store and add little to no effort are not likely to see results.

Here are some key points that can help you make your WooCommerce store successful:

Product Quality

It goes without saying that product quality plays a pivotal role in the success of your business.

With so many stores selling low-quality products, it really isn’t hard to establish a good reputation in the market.

If product sourcing and testing feel too challenging to manage on your own, then perhaps you can hire a professional sourcing service to assist you.


Your website directly represents your business, so this is one aspect where you don’t want to cut corners.

Display some originality, don’t copy-paste the theme of another store, but rather, take inspiration from it.

WordPress has ton of both free and paid themes for WooCommerce that you can use. If you’re on a low budget, then you can use the free theme, but try optimizing it according to the product you’re selling.


Most people expect desktop sites to load within the first 2 seconds. Any longer than that, and you risk losing your potential customer.

That’s why you should be careful with the host you choose.

Store owners often get lured into paying for those cheap hosting services which don’t provide the performance a store needs.

Rather than migrating to another host later, if you’re serious about your business then invest a bit more from the get-go.

There are a variety of reliable hosting services that you can find. Although the one recommended by WordPress itself is Bluehost.

Finally, using lightweight and fast themes like Astra can also improve the overall loading speed of your site.

Catchy Content

Never underestimate the power of catchy content. Let visitors know what you’re selling and why as soon as they arrive.

Make your content meaningful. People make snap judgments, so you only have a few seconds to make them feel compelled to learn more about your product.

The same applies to product descriptions. Keep it short and crisp while explaining all the features the product offers.


With the growing number of online attacks, you can’t neglect the importance of cyber-security.

This is even more true for online stores as you will likely store and manage sensitive information about your customers.

Aside from choosing a capable host, set up multiple-factor authentication and get your site SSL certified at the very least!

Customer Care

Customer service plays a pivotal role in the success of any business. That’s why if things go south, you shouldn’t leave your customers in the dark.

Even if you’re running a WooCommerce dropshipping store, you need to play your role.

Respond to queries promptly and remember, communication is key.

15 Best WooCommerce Shop Examples

Now let’s dive into some of the best store examples out there:

1. KawaiiBox

KawaiiBox store example

Kawaii Box stays true to its name with its vibrant colors and cute products that you can see the moment you open the site.

They offer a subscription-based service in which they deliver a box full of cuteness straight from Japan to your doorstep every month.

Aside from their simple yet attractive website, what further makes them stand out is their free delivery service across the world.

2. Porter & York

Porter and York WooCommerce store example

If you’re looking for a one-stop to all your meaty problems, then Porter & York have got your back.

The site has a custom theme and the orders are tracked through Google Analytics.

They promise to deliver fish and poultry along with fresh meat (obviously), to your doorstep within 48 hours.

You might be thinking what makes this WooCommerce store so special? All they’re selling is meat, right? Well yes, but it’s not about what you sell, but rather, how you promote it.

The real magic is the way they’ve photographed the meat. You’d understand what we mean after you spend 2 minutes on their site and start feeling hungry!

3. Henry J. Socks

Henry J Socks website example

Henry J. Socks is a subscription-based business that sells socks. But we aren’t talking about those bland designs that people wear to the office every day.

They focus on more funky designs with high-quality stitching at an economical price.

They show that your product doesn’t always have to be out of the box. Just adding a slight variation to something more common and cheap can also help you go a long way.

Overall, the most notable feature of their site is how cleanly they’ve incorporated images and text.

4. Buddhi Baby

Buddhi Baby website example

Buddhi Baby is a gift box service that targets toddlers. They have a minimalist website design that uses Mineral (a premium theme by Pexeto) along with Mailchimp to stay connected with their audience.

Their WooCommerce site shows that you don’t have to always go for a fancy theme. Keeping it simple works just as well if the style fits with your services.

5. Dineamic

Dineamic website example

Developing a healthy eating habit is difficult mainly because healthy food “doesn’t taste good”.

At least that’s what many people think and Dineamic is here to prove them wrong.

They offer healthy fast food made using fresh ingredients to help you keep your eating habits in check. Dineamic also uses a custom WordPress theme.

The feature we love the most about their site is that they keep the cart visible to the customers at all times. That plays a major role in helping increase conversions while decreasing the cart abandonment rates.

6. Wool Couture

Wool Couture website example

If you have a passion for sewing then you’re going to love what Wool Couture has to offer.

They sell sewing kits and have a wide variety of options to choose from.

When you click the “Shop Now” button on their site you’ll be taken to their page where you can pick from a huge collection of Aran yarn they have in stock.

The key selling point of their store is how easy it is to navigate as everything they offer is sorted according to its category.

7. J. Hornig

J Hornig website example

If you love roasted coffee beans then J. Hornig’s coffee roasters would be a wonderful addition to your life.

They have done a fine job in providing information about their product and it’s also easy to navigate their site.

Overall, they have captured the love people share for coffee by giving you the opportunity to become your own barista through their product.

8. Cupcake Studio

Cupcake Studio website example

Cupcake Studio is another store that shows that product photography can help you go a long way. It helps you satisfy your sweet tooth with its delicious iced treats.

They also use a custom theme that perfectly blends along with the products they’re offering.

You can visit their website and see for yourself how food photography is done.

But beware that you will find your mouth watering if you stay there for too long!

9. EcoKitty

EcoKitty WooCommerce shop example

If you want to show some love to your feline friend then EcoKitty is surely going to capture your attention with its kitty-approved toys!

It’s a family-run business that targets the popular pet niche. They use the default styles for WooCommerce combined with the iThemes Builder theme.

Their store has a quick response time and basically follows the 2-second rule that we talked about earlier.

Plus, they have a simple white background and of course, pictures of cute cats to make you stay.

And another thing worth pointing out is that they use eco-friendly materials for their toys.

10. Picky Bars

Picky Bars online store example

We already shared healthy food options with you above, but what about if you just want a snack?

Rather than munching down junk food, you can fuel your cravings with this store’s natural food snacks.

Like most sites on this list, Picky Bars also use a custom WordPress theme.

What really stood out about their site is how quick and easy it is to get their subscription service. It’s essentially a 3 step process in which you’ll also find plenty of attractive visuals.

Overall, the design of their site really shows their enthusiasm towards the product they’re selling.

So take notes from them on how you can represent your product.

11. R.E.D.D Superfood Energy Bars

REDD store example

With the growing interest in fitness, it’s not surprising that you’re seeing another healthy snacking WooCommerce site on this list.

Except, this store targets vegans with its plant-based snacking solutions.

The site has a clean layout, and there’s adequate padding between the options on their navigation bar. And all the info about their products can be found the moment you enter the site, so that’s also pretty convenient.

All in all, the ease of navigation and the way they’ve displayed their products makes R.E.D.D earn a spot on this list.

12. Fitger’s Brewhouse

Fitgers Brewhouse eCommerce store example

This list can’t be complete without the mention of a brewhouse.

However, Fitger’s Brewhouse hasn’t been added based on bias alone.

We love how they’ve integrated eCommerce functionalities into their WooCommerce site, making it look so simple while describing exactly what they’re offering.

There are no fancy clickbait marketing tactics and no upselling. Just an elegant design which shows you that you don’t always have to choose a overpriced and hyped beer brand that isn’t even worth it.

13. Little Giants

Little Giants shop example

If your child has a love for fashion then why stop them? Get them fashionable and non-traditional clothing with the help of Little Giants.

Aside from the unique clothing options, what makes Little Giants website stand out are the high-quality images in the form of a slideshow.

And once you click the “Shop” button, it’s also easy to navigate to your desired product category.

14. Sodashi

Sodashi online store

You never know what harmful chemicals your skincare products contain.

That’s why if you’re planning to go all-natural, then Sodashi can help you with its natural beauty products.

Once again, the biggest highlight of this store is the crisp images on the homepage along with their hottest products listed right in front of you.

Plus rather than individually opening tabs to explore their site, you can just scroll down from section to section.

15. House of Whisky

House of Whisky WooCommerce store example

The last on this list is a whiskey store which again shows how a minimalist website design is enough to catch the attention of the customers.

Their website offers easy navigation and we really love the featured image. It does a fine job of branding, and the font style they’ve chosen also looks quite prominent.

Is Launching a WooCommerce Shop Profitable?

Launching an online store isn’t a shortcut to making money. Just like any other business, it requires your time, effort, and dedication.

So rather than directly jumping into it, spend your time studying the WooCommerce shop examples that we’ve listed above.

Learn more about their strengths and weaknesses and incorporate that knowledge to set yourself apart from your competitors.

To conclude, your WooCommerce store can generate huge profit, but only if you’re willing to put in the work.

So were you able to find inspiration for your business from the stores we’ve listed above? Let us know in the comments below!

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