Filters/Actions for Video Widget

Filters available for Video are listed below.

HELPS MODIFY the offset value.

add_filter( 'uael_sticky_video_viewport', function( $viewport ) {
  //Modify the offset here
    return $viewport;
}, 10, 2 );

Note$viewport –  The offset value to stick the video.


add_filter( 'uael_video_url_filter', function( $url, $id ) {
  //Modify the url here
    return $url;
}, 10, 2 );

Note$url –  Parameter to be modified in the video URL.

HELPS set a default channel id

add_filter( 'uael_video_default_channel_id', function( $channel_id, $settings ) {
    //Set the channel ID here
    return $channel_id;
}, 10, 2 ); 
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