Woo – Checkout Widget

The checkout page is an important step where users submit their addresses and payment details. Tedious and complicated checkout pages often lead to checkout abandonment.

With Woo – Checkout widget you can design beautiful and profitable checkout pages easily. UAE offers this unique widget that lets you customize the default WooCommerce checkout page.

Checkout page example

Key Features

  • Layouts – One column, Two column, Multistep
  • Option to enable cart button and additional information box
  • Custom labels for form fields
  • Customize login section
  • Customize coupon section
  • Color and typography options for all fields

Let’s see how you can use this awesome widget –

Adding Woo – Checkout Widget to Elementor Page

Before adding this widget to the page make sure to –

  • Set the page as your Checkout page in WooCommerce settings. For this, from dashboard visit to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced Tab > Page setup > Checkout page.
  • Also, add items to the cart to edit the checkout page. WooCommerce does not make the Checkout page accessible until items added to the cart.

You can add the widget to the checkout page and start editing it. The widget fetches all fields from the WooCommerce checkout page and lets you customize it with layout, color, typography, additional fields.


You can manage layout for the checkout form. Display it in –

  • One Column – All fields will display in a single column just like the default view
  • Two Columns – Checkout form fields will be divided into two columns. The billing address and other details will be displayed in one column. While order review and payment method will be displayed in another column.
  • Multistep – Checkout fields will be displayed in multiple and separate steps – billing, shipping, and payment. Users can fill one page and move on to the next.
Elementor Woo Checkout Widget layout option

It also offers two more options –

  • Enable Cart Button – It will add the ‘Back to Cart’ button on the checkout page. So that if the user needs to make any addition or changes in the cart, option will be easily available.
  • Show Additional Information Box – This will add an additional box where users can add any notes about orders.
Elementor Woo Checkout Widget back to cart button

Checkout Labels

Here you can add custom labels for checkout form fields. You can even connect dynamic tags with these fields.

Elementor Woo Checkout Widget checkout labels setting

You can set any label for –

  • Billing Text
  • Shipping Text
  • Order Text
  • Payment Text
  • Cart Button Text

Login Section

This will add a link where users can login to their account and proceed with checkout. To check this option you will need to log out from the website and visit the checkout page. Here is how login section will look –

Woo Checkout Login Box

If you are not able to see the login option and wish to enable it, then from the dashboard visit WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy > Enable ‘Allow customers to log in to an existing account during checkout’.

WooCommerce allow customer to login settings

You can customize this section with following settings –

Elementor Woo Checkout login section
  • Title – Add text for login section
  • Link Text – Link text that will prompt user to login
  • Form Text – Text that will display information in for login form

Coupon Section

Coupons can benefits your online business in various ways like bringing new users to store, help users to try new products. You can add and customize coupon section with following points –

Elementor Woo Checkout Widget add coupon section
  • Title – Text that will ask user if they have coupon code
  • Link Text – Link text that will prompt user to open a box to enter coupon details
  • Form Text – Text that will display above the input box
  • Field Placeholder – Placeholder for a box where user enter coupon code
  • Button Text – Text on the button that will submit the code

Style Tab

The widget offers color and typography for each section of the checkout form. You can set text color, background color, typography, border, padding and other stylings for following fields –

Elementor Woo Checkout Widget style options
  • Sections
  • Headings
  • Input Fields
  • Order Review
  • Payment Method
  • Buttons
  • Field Validation & Error Messages

Related Articles –

FAQs: Woo – Checkout Widget

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