FAQs for Countdown Timer Widget!

Here are few Frequently Asked Questions for Countdown Timer widget of Ultimate Addons for Elementor –

What is the difference between Fixed, Evergreen timer?

The Fixed timer is used to display a timer until a certain period of time, let’s say you have an offer on the last Friday of this month. So you can select a Fixed Timer which will display a Countdown until that Date and after expiry, it will display the Expiry message or your selected action after expiry.

While for the Evergreen Timer, you can imagine your site or landing page displaying a one-time, exclusive and urgent event for every visitor.

For the sake of explaining the Evergreen Timer. Let’s say if an X User sees a timer on visiting page of 30 minutes and visits later after 10 minutes he will see only 20 minutes remaining. But if Y user visits the same page he will see a Countdown Timer of 30 minutes for this page. Which means for every new user a cookie is stored on his site and the countdown is displayed accordingly.

What is the difference between Evergreen and Recurring Timer and How does The Recurring Timer Works?

As explained above an Evergreen Timer will be unique to every visitor who visits your site.

Now the Recurring timer will be a timer on a site, where we want to display a Countdown Timer every set period of time. Let’s say we have an event every month on 15th, using this timer you will be able to set a Timer which will start on the 15th at 10 AM and last for 9 hours. Here you won’t have to make any changes, just follow the steps mentioned in this article to use Timer on your landing pages right away.

Which timezone does the timer use?

By default, if you have not set any Timezone for the WordPress site you will see a message which mentions you are setting time in UTC 0. Make sure you set your timezone from the WordPress Backend, this will allow adding time and Date based on your timezone.

WordPress timezone settings
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