Video Gallery Widget

Video Gallery Widget allows showcasing YouTube, Vimeo & Wistia videos with an innovative optimization technique. With this widget, you can add a number of videos to the page without sacrificing page speed.

Below are the key points for the Video Gallery Widget –

  • Loading Time Optimization
  • Filterable Video Gallery
  • Grid / Carousel Layout
  • Easy Video Sorting & Ordering
  • Different Styles for Play Button
  • Ability to Play Videos in Lightbox or Inline
  • Custom Thumbnail and Thumbnail overlay effects
  • Ability to Add and Style the Video Caption

Before getting started, make sure to enable widget from UAE settings. (?)

To add a video to the gallery, select Video Type and enter a valid URL. Below is the example for valid and invalid URLs.

For YouTube video
Valid link:
Invalid link:

For Vimeo video
Valid Link:
Invalid Link:

For Wistia Video

To get the Wistia video’s link you will need to go to your Wistia video, right-click on it and choose the last option of “Copy Link and Thumbnail”. Now copy the same and paste it in the Link & Thumbnail field.

Note: If you change the thumbnail or link from the respective Wistia’s video, make sure you paste the Link & Thumbnail text in this field again here.

Loading Time Optimization

This widget uses the same optimization technique that is introduced for Video Widget. Widget embeds the thumbnail image of the YouTube/ Vimeo video instead of the actual video. This  See how this technique works?

Filterable Video Gallery

This feature allows categorizing videos. It displays all video categories with Filterable Tabs. Clicking on the tab will display video assigned to the respective category. Videos will display with a default shuffling animation. Read how to design a filterable video gallery? You can display specific category tab as a default on page load.

You can add Title for Filterable Tab. That will describe more about the filterable tabs and video gallery.
Enable Title for Filterable Tab option and enter a title. You can customize the title under Style ( tab ) >  Title.

Elementor Filterable Video Gallery

Grid / Carousel Layout

Display all videos on a page with Grid layout or display them in a nice slider with Carousel. Choose the best layout to make your gallery look stunning.

Elementor Video Gallery general settings

Easy Video Sorting & Ordering

After adding videos to the list you can reorder them with simple drag and drop. Videos can be sort by categories with Filterable Video Gallery option.

Elementor Video Gallery sorting

Different Styles for Play Button

The setting can be found under Style (tab) > Play Button. 

Play Button can be set as Image or Icon.

For Image 

  • Choose an appropriate image from the Media Libary.
  • Hover Animation option adds a cool look to the play button.

For Icon 

  • Select an icon from the drop down
  • You can set a normal and hover color, text shadow for the icon.
  • Hover Animation option is available under the HOVER tab.

Ability to Play Videos in Lightbox or Inline

The inline option will play video in the video layout itself. While the lightbox option will play video in a nice popup.

Elementor Video Gallery play settings

Custom Thumbnail for Video

You can set a nice thumbnail image for the video that will display before playing a video.

The setting can be found under Gallery > Edit the Video > Custom Thumbnail 

Turn the Custom Thumbnail option ON and set an Image.

Adjust the Overlay Color. See How to Set Overlay Color on the Video Thumbnail on Mouse Hover?

Elementor Video Gallery custom thumbnail for video

Ability to Add and Style the Video Caption

A caption will add short descriptive worlds about a video. You can display them on video hover. See How to add and style the video Caption?

Elementor Video Gallery captions

Self Hosted Video Option

From the Ultimate Addons for Elementor v1.29.1 we introduce this option. Which lets you display the videos right from your Media Library or external sources with just a few clicks.

Key Features –

Newly added option for self-hosted video type –

  • External URL: Insert an external URL of the video
  • Choose File: If there’s no External video link of the video you can select an existing video file from the Media Library.
  • Select Image: It will act as a thumbnail image that will be displayed on the Video Gallery

You will simply need to select the Video Type as Self Hosted from the Previous options of Video Type like Wistia, YouTube, Vimeo.

Also, you have the option to set the Caption for the Video, display a Thumbnail Image, and add Categories to this Video type too.

Elementor Video Gallery self hosted videos

Schema Support

With UAE version 1.35.1 we added the Schema Support option to the Video Gallery widget. To activate this option, you need to edit the Video Gallery widget:

Step 1 – Click on the Content tab and expand the Gallery section;

Elementor Video Gallery Enable Schema Support

Step 2 – Enable the “Schema Support” option.

Add Schema To Video

Now you can add schema to your videos:

Step 1 – Start editing your page or post with Elementor, and add the Video Gallery widget (drag and drop);

Step 2 – Next, click on existing videos to edit them, or add a new one. Here, on the top of the video editing area, you’ll notice tabs. Click on Schema tab;

Video Schema Settings

Step 3 – Now, add schema to your video. You need to add Title, Description, Thumbnail, and Upload Date & Time. Keep in mind that all of these fields are mandatory. If any field in the schema section is left empty, the schema will not be generated;

Step 4 – You can repeat steps 2 and 3 for any video in the gallery. Once you’re done, save your changes (Publish / Update button).


It’s important to mention that thumbnails for your videos can be added also via the General tab. This option is used to add a thumbnail to your video in general. Contrary, the schema thumbnail is only used as schema data.

While editing the video, under the General tab you can find the “Custom Thumbnail” option.

Elementor Video Gallery Custom Thumbnail

You can enable the “Custom Thumbnail” option and add the thumbnail for the video. In this case, the Custom Thumbnail will be used as a video thumbnail for the schema too. 

In other words, the Custom Thumbnail, if added, will replace the schema Thumbnail. Furthermore, if Custom Thumbnail is enabled but the image is not added, the schema will not be generated.

Testing Video Gallery Schema

Further, you might want to test the schema you added to your Video Gallery. Thus, you can use Google’s Rich results test and Schema Markup Validator tool.

You can access any of the above-mentioned tools. Once there, you need to add the URL or source code of the page or post where you added the Video Gallery widget and schema. To illustrate, we will test the demo video gallery using the Rich Results tool:

Step 1 – Visit Rich results test site;

Step 2 – First you need to choose how you want to test your page. You can select the URL method and add your page URL:

Google's Rich Results URL Test

Alternatively, you can select to test it using a code:

Google's Rich Results Code Test

The following steps are almost identical. Thus, in our example, we decided to test our page using a URL. Click “Test Code” to start testing;

Step 3 – Once the analysis is ready, you’ll see the report of all detected items containing schema (i.e. structured data). Since we want to check Video Gallery Schema, we’ll click on the “Videos” section;

Google's Rich Results Test Results

Step 4 – Next, browse through your files list, and click on any of your videos.

Video Gallery Schema Support

This will show you the schema you added using UAE Schema Support.

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