How To Translate Ultimate Addons Widgets With WPML?

Ultimate Addons for Elementor (UAE) is fully compatible with the popular WPML – WordPress Multilingual Translation plugin.

You can translate any of the UAE widgets to any language with WPML easily.

This article shows the exact steps to translate the content you add to the UAE widget.

Before proceeding make sure you have installed and activated WPML (WPML Multilingual CMS and WPML String Translation) plugin and using the latest UAE version.

Let’s consider we have a page where we have added a Price Box widget.

Below are the steps to translate content on this widget –

Step 1 – In the dashboard, find the page from the list, and click on the ‘plus’ icon for the language you want to translate your page to.

Here we have selected the Hindi language –

Step 2 – Once you click on the plus icon, Advanced Translation Editor will show up. Here you can select a string and add a translated string for it in the input box.

Click on ‘Click to edit translation’, then add a translated string in the box and click on the check mark as shown below –

Step 3 – Once you add translation to all the available strings, click on complete.

Now you can visit the page in the frontend and see translated version –

Note: In the Countdown Timer widget, you get an option to add labels to the timer. You can have default labels or add custom ones. Out of this, default labels can not be translated as they come embedded in code. Default labels won’t be available with WPML for the translation. While you can translate custom labels added to the timer.

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