
How to Design an Off-Canvas menu for Elementor – 3 Easy Steps!

Off-Canvas navigation is trending today! It is an attractive way to display a navigation menu whenever triggered by a button/icon/Custom class/ID. With Ultimate Addons for Elementor, showcasing such a vertical Off-Canvas menu is made easy.

UAE offers Off-Canvas widget that has inbuilt option to display navigation menu. Read about all available options here.

Below are the steps to create Off-Canvas menu for Elementor –

Step 1 – Drag and drop UAE’s Off – Canvas widget.
Step 2 – Go to Content -> Content Type, select Menu. All WordPress menus will appear in the list. Choose the required menu.

Elementor Off Canvas widget

Step 3 – Now go to Display Settings and choose Display On – Button/ Icon / Custom Class / Custom ID.

Elementor Off Canvas widget display settings

And you are done! 🙂

In the frontend, clicking on the trigger (Button/ Icon / Custom Class / Custom ID) will open a Off-Cavas navigation menu. You can customize it with rest of the available options with Off-Canvas widget.

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