
Price Box Widget

Want to display product or service packages along with price and feature in an attractive way? Want to add more style to suit your design theme? Then Price Box is a perfect widget for you.

Price Box provides prebuilt styling options to nicely showcase heading, pricing, content (features), call to action. It also provides attractive ribbon designs to highlight best deals, discounts, featured packages etc. Normal & Raised format allows focusing the price of the package. Some cool hover animation effects are provided to improve the usability of the Price Box.

UAE Price Box Widget

See how Price Box can be designed beautifully on Demo Page.

Before getting started with Price Box widget, make sure it is enabled from UAEL settings. (?)

What are different style options for Price Box?

Price Box Widget styles

Price Box widget provides 3 different prebuilt style options under the General tab. It displays heading, pricing, content (features), call to action at different positions. 

Hover Animation effects for Price Box

To improve the usability, Price Box widget provides 3 different Hover Animation options under the General tab.

Price Box Widget hover animations

Related Links-

Different Ribbon styles for Price Box
Box and Stripped Layouts for content in Price Box
Normal & Raised format for a price.

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