
Filters/Actions for Image Gallery Widget

Filters available for Image Gallery are listed below.

Helps Modify Filterable Tabs.

add_filter( 'uael_image_gallery_tabs', function( $cat_filter ) {
// Modify the array here
return $cat_filter;
}, 10, 2 );

Note: $cat_filter –  The array of image categories to display in Filterable Tabs.
For example –

add_filter( 'uael_image_gallery_tabs', function( $cat_filter ) {
$cat_filter['old_category'] = 'New Category';
return $cat_filter ;
}, 10, 2 );

Helps to Modify Image Carousel Settings.

add_filter( 'uael_image_gallery_carousel_options', function( $slick_options ) {
// Modify the array here
return $slick_options;
}, 10, 2 );

Helps to Modify Image gallery lightbox content

add_filter( 'uael-lightbox-content', function( $lightbox ) {
// specify the content here.
return $lightbox;
}, 10, 2 );

Note: $lightbox – The content to be displayed in the light box. We can display the image ‘title’ or image ‘description’.

For example –

add_filter( 'uael-lightbox-content', function( $lightbox ) {
// specify the content here.
$lightbox ='description';
return $lightbox;
}, 10, 2 );

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