
Filters/Actions for Posts Widget

Actions available for Posts Widget are listed below.
The parameters used in the below actions/filters are one of the below-listed options. The detailed description of these parameters is as specified below.

  1. $settings : This is the entire setting array for the particular dragged dropped Post Widget. One can add conditional logic as per the selected options in the settings.
  2. $post_id : This is the single post ID in the loop. This is useful when one wants to fetch post specific data and display it.

Fires at the beginning of the post outer wrap

function summary_wrap_before( $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post outer wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_posts_before_outer_wrap', 'summary_wrap_before', 10, 1 );

Fires at the end of the post outer wrap

function summary_wrap_after( $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post outer wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_posts_after_outer_wrap', 'summary_wrap_after', 10, 1 );

Fires at the beginning of the post wrap

function post_wrap_before( $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_posts_before_wrap', 'post_wrap_before', 10, 1 );

Fires at the end of the post wrap

function post_wrap_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_posts_after_wrap', 'post_wrap_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the single post wrap

function single_post_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_wrap', 'single_post_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the single post wrap

function single_post_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_wrap', 'single_post_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the single post inner wrap

function single_post_inner_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post inner wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_inner_wrap', 'single_post_inner_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the single post inner wrap

function single_post_inner_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post inner wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_inner_wrap', 'single_post_inner_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the single post content wrap

function single_post_content_wrap_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the single post content wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_content_wrap', 'single_post_content_wrap_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the single post content wrap

function single_post_content_wrap_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the single post content wrap. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_content_wrap', 'single_post_content_wrap_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post thumbnail

function single_post_thumb_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post thumbnail. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_thumbnail', 'single_post_thumb_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post thumbnail

function single_post_thumb_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post thumbnail. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_thumbnail', 'single_post_thumb_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post meta

function single_post_meta_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post meta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_meta', 'single_post_meta_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post meta

function single_post_meta_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post meta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_meta', 'single_post_meta_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post terms

function single_post_terms_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post terms. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_terms', 'single_post_terms_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post terms

function single_post_terms_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post terms. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_terms', 'single_post_terms_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post comments

function single_post_comment_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post comments. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_comments', 'single_post_comment_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post comments

function single_post_comment_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post comments. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_comments', 'single_post_comment_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post date

function single_post_date_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post date. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_date', 'single_post_date_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post date

function single_post_date_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post date. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_date', 'single_post_date_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post author

function single_post_author_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post author. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_author', 'single_post_author_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post author

function single_post_author_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post author. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_author', 'single_post_author_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post title

function title_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post title. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_title', 'title_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post title

function title_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post title. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_title', 'title_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post excerpt

function excerpt_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post excerpt. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_excerpt', 'excerpt_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post excerpt

function excerpt_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post excerpt. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_excerpt', 'excerpt_after', 10, 2 );


Fires at the beginning of the post cta

function cta_before( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the beginning of the post cta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_before_cta', 'cta_before', 10, 2 );


Fires at the end of the post cta

function cta_after( $post_id, $settings ) {
    echo '<div> I am at the end of the post cta. </div>'; 
add_action( 'uael_single_post_after_cta', 'cta_after', 10, 2 );

Filters available for Posts Widget are listed below.
The parameters used in the below filters are one of the below-listed options. The detailed description of these parameters is as specified below.

  1. $settings : This is the entire setting array for the particular dragged dropped Post Widget. One can add conditional logic as per the selected options in the settings.
  2. $post_id : This is the single post ID in the loop. This is useful when one wants to fetch post specific data and display it.
  3. $query : The WP_Query object.
  4. $classes : The array of classes.
  5. $date_format : This is the date format in terms of “F j, Y”

Helps modify Query Arguments.

add_filter( 'uael_posts_query_args', function( $query, $settings ) {
    // Modify the query here
    return $query;
}, 10, 2 );

Helps to add extra classes to Post Wrapper.

add_filter( 'uael_wrapper_classes', function( $classes ) {
    // Modify the classes array here.
    array_push( $classes, 'my-new-class' );
    return $classes;
} );

Helps to add extra classes to Post outer Wrapper.

add_filter( 'uael_outer_wrapper_classes', function( $classes ) {
    // Modify the classes array here.
    array_push( $classes, 'my-new-class123' );
    return $classes;
} );

Helps modify Post Permalink.

add_filter( 'uael_single_post_link', function( $link, $post_id, $settings ) {
    // Modify the link here
    $link .= '&utm_campaign=post_grid';
    return $link;
}, 10, 3 );

Helps modify Post Date Format.

add_filter( 'uael_post_the_date_format', function( $date, $post_id, $date_format ) {
    // Modify the date here
    return $date;
}, 10, 3 );

Helps modify Post Meta Sequence.

add_filter( 'uael_post_meta_sequence', function( $sequence ) {
    // Modify the date here
    // The below array is the actual sequence, you can swap the elements to have the desired sequence for meta
    return array( 'author', 'date', 'comments', 'cat', 'tag' );

Helps Linking/Unlinking the taxonomy badge.

add_filter( 'uael_link_taxomony_badge', function( $value ) {
    // Set the value to "yes" to link the Taxonomy badge.
    // Set the value to "no" to unlink the Taxonomy badge.
    $value = 'yes';
    return $value;
} );

Helps modify Filterable Tabs.

add_filter( 'uael_posts_filterable_tabs', function( $filters, $settings ) {
    // Modify the array here.
    return $filters;
}, 10, 2 );

Helps modify the terms of Taxonomy Badge.

add_filter( 'uael_posts_tax_filter', function( $terms ) {
// Modify the array here.
return $terms;
}, 10, 2 );

Helps modify the post date in the event skin.

add_filter( 'uael_post_event_date', function( $date, $post_id, $date_format ) {
    // Modify the date here
    return $date;
}, 10, 3 );

Helps modify the post category meta.

add_filter( 'uael_posts_meta_category', function( $terms, $settings ){
// Modify the terms here
return $terms;
}, 10, 2);

Helps modify the offset top for AJAX pagination.

add_filter( 'uael_post_offset_top', function( $offset_top ){
// Modify the offset top here
return $offset_top;
}, 10, 2);

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