
Modal Popup Widget

Modal Popup widget allows you to create stunning popups that can be displayed automatically, or on the click of a button, text, image, icon or through any other widget. Popus can include content, photo, videos or saved sections/page.

Below are the settings available for Modal Popup Widget under Content tab.

Preview Modal Popup

Enabling this option will give you a preview of the modal popup so that you can see how it will appear in real time.

UAE Modal popup widget preview

Modal Popup Title

Various options available to insert and enhance the design of the modal popup title.

UAE Modal popup title settings

Modal Popup Width

This allows you to control a width of the popup with a slider. You can choose units and responsive devices with toggle.

UAE Modal popup width

Modal Appear Effect

This allows you to apply some cool animation at the time of modal appears.

Modal Color Option

You can set a background color for the modal popup content box. Overlay color will be applied to entire popup as background overlay color.

UAE Modal popup overlay settings

You can choose a content type from the drop-down. You can display following things in in a popup-

  • Content
  • Photo
  • Video Embed Code
  • Saved Section
  • Saved Page
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • iFrame
UAE Modal popup widget content

You can set Content Padding by choosing the unit and different responsive devices with toggle.

You can customize the button that will close your popup. You can either set image or icon for the close button. You can set its size and position.
Options to close popup on ESC Keypress and on Overlay Click are available.

UAE Modal popup close button

Display settings will allow you to choose how you wish the popup to appear. You can display it on the click of a text, icon, image, button or any other element. Popups can also be triggered by automatic triggers like exit intent, after few seconds, and Enable Cookies.

Refer How to open a modal popup from another widget?

Popup with automatic triggers

UAEL exclusively provide automatic triggers for the modal popup.

UAE Modal popup display settings
Exit Intent

The Exit Intent technology tracks the user behavior through mouse movements on your website and detects the exact time before he leaves the page. And display the popup as the user tries to leave the page.

After Few Seconds

This trigger detects the right time a popup should be displayed. They control the launching of a modal. You can set the time value to delay the launching of the popup.

Enable Cookies

This trigger manages to disable the popup for a particular number of days. Once the user closes the popup, you can decide for how many days popup will be disabled.

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